The words brand and branding are thrown around liberally by all sorts of people in different contexts and with different meanings in mind, so it may help to start by asking: what exactly is a brand?
Do you know what a ‘brand identity’ is? If you answered ‘a logo’, then you’re only part of the way there. A logo is only a very small part of what a brand identity is all about. A brand isn’t just the
What Brand Identity Is and Why You Need It
In the global marketplace, it isn’t enough to just have a logo and a website. For a business to succeed, they need to build their brand
You really need to sort your identity out.
A logo is basically an illustration of your entire company image, which is then communicated to your prospect in a graphic or symbolic way.
What does a Graphic Designer do?
Graphic designers combine art and technology to communicate ideas through images and the layout of web screens and printed pages. They may use a variety of design elements to achieve
Why You Need a Brand, Not Just a Logo
Branding is certainly not a carefree topic. It is a critical element of any business. All too often logo design is treated as being interchangeable with branding. Although they go hand-in-hand,
I'm a small business - why do I need a brand?
If you are a small firm or a sole trader, you could be forgiven for thinking that branding is not for you. "Big names spend money on branding, small companies just get on with the job" is a typical